Tuesday, October 2, 2012

A few new additions to the prop stop

Just a quick note to let you know I added this super cute frame with chalk!

You can find the chalk in this box!

Along with some 'emergency' supplies: tissues, wet wipes, hair detangler, band-aids, hair clips and OFF bug spray!

Also I have noticed some people have been having trouble with the cast iron bed. It's super easy to set up, it has four metal pieces, the two side rails hook into the headboard and footboard using the notches, the ledge on the side rail needs to point inside so that the wooden slats can rest on them, then the mattress can be placed on top of the slats. 

The mattress has a plastic cover, please keep this on. See below:

The bedding can be found in this box in the prop stop shelf. But I would suggest if you're intending to use the bed on your shoot to bring your own twin sized bedding and blankets.

Let me know if you have any problems, suggestions or questions, please e-mail me at info@alexandrafrankel.com


Open house event last month

The open house last September was AWESOME! Thank you to all the wonderful photographers who came out and played! It was super fun!